- Virtual CFO.
- Bookkeeping, software selection and training on all versions of QuickBooks, Xero, MYOB and Reckon software packages.
- BAS/IAS lodgement with the Australian Taxation Office using the Electronic Lodgement Service/Standard Business Reporting (ELS/SBR).
- Single Touch Payroll (STP) and payroll tax to State Revenue Office (SRO) if applicable.
- Management accounting/budgeting and forecasting.
- Financial report preparation.
- All types of tax returns such as: Fringe benefits tax (FBT) returns, individual income tax returns, non-individual income tax returns, superannuation fund returns, self-managed super funds, member contribution statements, taxable payments annual report, tax file number (TFN) declaration reports, annual investment income report (AIIR), quarterly TFN reports, employee share scheme reports.
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Registered Agent/Corporate administrative services.
- Business structuring in the most efficient way considering tax, running costs and asset protection.
- Tax planning and minimization.
- Review of a financial report under ASRE 2400.
- Audits under APES310 Dealing with Client Monies.
- Audit of Owners Corporations.
Contact Kristian at Kostov Accountants® by filling out the contact form or ringing him directly on 0409 871 861.